Subject: Re: [EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls |
From: Richard Winger |
Date: 10/25/2010, 12:21 PM |
To: "" <>, EugeneVolokh <> |
Reply-to: "" |
The Connecticut Secretary of State's rule is not sensible. Should California bar a voter from wearing anything that refers to e-Bay or Hewlett-Packard? On reflection, I think all bans on what voters wear at the polls are silly. I would draw a line between someone handing out literature or buttons at a polling place, versus someone entering a polling place merely to vote (and not staying longer than that) who happens to be wearing something indicating a state of mind about the election. These clothing bans treat the voters as though they were little children. --- On Mon, 10/25/10, Volokh, Eugene <> wrote: