Subject: Re: [EL] list of key elections to watch
From: Douglas Johnson
Date: 11/1/2010, 4:59 PM
To: 'Election Law' <>

That's not really what I meant by "Cheat" sheet :-)


- Doug


Douglas Johnson


Rose Institute of State and Local Government

Claremont McKenna College

o 909-621-8159

m 310-200-2058




From: Allison Hayward []
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 1:45 PM
To: Douglas Johnson
Cc: 'Election Law'
Subject: Re: [EL] list of key elections to watch


Doug must work for Diebold, since he apparently knows the "results" already . . .  Or the Trilateralists.. Or the Illuminati.





On Nov 1, 2010, at 4:38 PM, Douglas Johnson wrote:

It won't tell you the election results, but the Rose Institute has compiled a listing of key elections in CA and nationally that political junkies can use as a cheat sheet tomorrow night:



There's also a link to an earlier post detailing elections where control of the 2011 Congressional redistricting hangs in the balance.


- Doug


Douglas Johnson


Rose Institute of State and Local Government

Claremont McKenna College

o 909-621-8159

m 310-200-2058

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