Subject: [EL] FW: The Law of Politics (new book)
From: "Lowenstein, Daniel" <>
Date: 11/2/2010, 11:36 AM
To: "" <>

        Graeme Orr sent the announcement below to his personal distribution list.  I think it is worthy of the attention of the listserv.  Unfortuntately, Graeme, I will not be in Brisbane on December 2.


             Daniel H. Lowenstein
             Director, Center for the Liberal Arts and Free Institutions (CLAFI)
             UCLA Law School
             405 Hilgard
             Los Angeles, California 90095-1476

From: Graeme Orr []
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 10:40 PM
To: Graeme Orr
Subject: The Law of Politics (new book)

Colleagues and Friends

My little tome on The Law of Politics:  elections, parties and money in Australia is just out.    It’s the first work to map the law in the field in Australia.    Please see the attached postcard.

I’d be grateful if you’d spread the postcard to any potentially interested colleagues, librarians, or blog you might run.

The Treasurer is launching it, early evening of December 2 (an auspicious day in Australian and Queensland electoral history).   If you happened to be in Brisbane then, let me know and I can send an invitation.

Graeme Orr

(apologies for any cross-postings)

Graeme Orr
Associate Professor
Law School
University of Queensland
4072   Australia
ph + 7 3365 3014
fax + 7 3365 1454