Does anyone about data to support this quote from Wendy Weiser:
“One of the most worrisome things we’re seeing is an uptick in voter
intimidation and misinformation compared to prior elections,” said
Wendy Weiser, director of the voting rights and elections project at
the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University.
On their website (
there are no data for 2008.
I may be missing something, but the examples in the story are
relatively innocuous. Of the 15,000 calls, only a few hundred seem to
be actual problems. The vast majority were information inquiries;
and this results in the title, I guess.
Paul Gronke
Director, Early Voting Information Center
Headline Mismatch?
A just-posted NYT story with the title "Widespread Reports of Problems at
Polls" begins: "Voters in some states encountered isolated problems with
electronic voting machines and delays in the opening of polling stations,
but they also reported many instances of voter intimidation and
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