Subject: Re: [EL] 2010 turnout estimates
From: Dan Johnson-Weinberger
Date: 11/3/2010, 7:10 AM
To: Michael McDonald
CC: Election Law <>

Thanks Michael.

132.6 million voted in 2008
90.1 million voted yesterday.

That's a drop in the size of the American electorate of almost a third.


On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 3:18 AM, Michael McDonald <> wrote:

Below is a link to my turnout estimates based on the vote counted to date and the outstanding vote as projected by the Associated Press. There is still some uncertainty to these estimates, especially for the high mail ballot states. I forecasted a turnout rate of 41.3% for those eligible to vote and the estimated turnout so far is 41.4%.  In raw numbers, 90.1 million votes forecasted and 90.2 million votes estimated from actual election results. There is, of course, error among the states that happened to have a mean close to zero.





Dr. Michael P. McDonald

Associate Professor, George Mason University

Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution


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