Subject: Re: [EL] Ballot Fatigue
From: Michael Binder
Date: 11/3/2010, 9:40 AM
To: Frank Reilly
CC: "" <>

here's a couple cites for proposition rolloff:

Nichols, Stephen M. 1998. "State Referendum Voting, Ballot Roll-Off, and the Effect of
New Electoral Technology." State & Local Government Review 30(2): 106-117.

Kimball, David C. and Martha Kropf. 2008. Voting technology, ballot measures, and residual votes. American Politics
Research vol. 36(4): 479–509.

Darcy, R. and Anne Schneider. 1989. “Confusing Ballots, Roll-off and the Black
Vote.” Western Political Quarterly 42:347-64.


Michael Binder

Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Bill Lane Center for the American West
Hoover Institution 
Public Policy Program
473 Via Ortega, Room 337
Stanford, CA 94305-4225

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Reilly" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 3, 2010 8:36:52 AM
Subject: [EL]  Ballot Fatigue

I am looking for research on ballot fatigue caused by too many offices on a single ballot. Secondarily, ballot fatigue caused by too many measures on a ballot would be helpful, though my primary interest relates to the number of offices. Any suggestions? 


Frank M. Reilly | Potts & Reilly LLP | Partner 

112 Par Three Court 

P.O. Box 4037, Horseshoe Bay, Texas 78657-4037 

O: 866-876-7825, Ext. 102 | E: 


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