Subject: Re: [EL] The ultimate 2011 redistricting legal battle
From: Douglas Johnson
Date: 11/3/2010, 11:22 AM
To: 'Election Law' <>

Readers on this list may be interested in my latest post on the Rose Institute blog. I predict Florida's redistricting will become the ultimate 2011 redistricting legal battle. Here's a snippet:


[W]ill the [Florida] state courts weigh in on the legislature’s implementation of Amendment 6’s criteria? Will the Florida courts follow the lead of their counterparts in Arizona and California and stay out of this “political thicket”? Or will the courts, perhaps citing the precedent of Florida’s unique constitutionally-required court involvement in redistricting the state legislature, choose to become central figures in this process?


Much more background, details and links are in the full post:


- Doug


Douglas Johnson


Rose Institute of State and Local Government

Claremont McKenna College

o 909-621-8159

m 310-200-2058