Subject: Re: [EL] Third Party Effects |
From: Richard Winger |
Date: 11/3/2010, 6:56 AM |
To: Rick Hasen <>, Election Law <>, Lloyd Mayer <> |
Reply-to: "" |
I hope everyone will bear in mind that the evidence frequently contradicts the conventional wisdom about "spoilers" and Libertarians automatically hurting Republicans, and Greens automatically hurting Democrats. Neutral, professional polls this year in Nevada sometimes asked people about their intentions for US Senate if the Tea Party weren't on the ballot, and the results were that Tea Party voters were just as likely to vote for Harry Reid as Sharron Angle. Political science research set forth in Sam Lubell's "Future of American Politics" showed that in 1948, Harry Truman would have lost if Henry Wallace had not run against him as the Progressive Party nominee. The recent best-seller "Predictably Irrational" used experimental research to explain why the conventional wisdom about making choices is wrong. Both poll data, and election returns data, shows that Ralph Nader did not injure John Kerry in 2004. There is also hard election results data showing that Libertarians do not injure Republicans. --- On Wed, 11/3/10, Lloyd Mayer <> wrote: