Subject: [EL] Re; Turnout Release
From: Curtis Gans
Date: 11/5/2010, 7:03 AM
To: "" <>

Apparently some have had trouble reaching the url for the tables backing up the release. Here is a docx version of the release which does not seem to have that trouble. I can also send to anyone who wishes those tables separately but that document is too long to put on this blog. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm assured that somebody is working on the problem.

Curtis Gans, Director
Center for the Study of the American Electorate
Center for Democracy and Election Management
American University
3201 New Mexico Avenue NW
Suite 395
Washington, DC 20016-8026
Phones: (202) 885-6295 (o); (703) 304-1283 (c), (540) 822-5292 (h)
Fax: (202) 885-6294