Subject: Re: [EL] California expenditure data
From: dasmith
Date: 11/5/2010, 10:54 AM
To: "" <>

see my various reports:

Ballot Measures and Money Trends


Highlights of Spending in 2006 - The Twelve Most Expensive Campaigns in 2006. Click Here.

Money Talks: Ballot Measure Spending in 2004. Click Here

Money Behind the 2004 Marriage Amendments. Click Here

Ballot Measure Disclosure: Buyer's Guide to Ballot Measure Donors in 2002. Click Here

The Campaign Finance Reform Blind Spot: Donor Disclosure. Click Here

Veiled Political Actors: The Real Threat to Campaign Disclosure Statutes. Click Here

daniel a. smith, ph.d.
professor & uf research foundation professor (2010-2012)
director, political campaigning program
coordinator, political science internship program
department of political science
003 anderson hall              |  phone: 352-273-2346
po box 117325                  |  fax: 352-392-8127
university of florida          |  email:
gainesville, fl 32611-7325     |
office hours, fall 2010: MW 12:45-2:45pm

On 11/5/2010 1:00 PM, Doug Spencer wrote:

I am looking for data related to election-related expenditures in California. Specifically, I would like to find out how much money was spent promoting ballot propositions in CA and compare that to the dollars spent lobbying Sacramento. Preferably for more recent election cycles (2004-2008), but any numbers (or good sources of these data) would be great.

Off-list responses are welcome.

Thanks in advance,

Douglas M. Spencer
Jurisprudence and Social Policy Ph.D. Program
University of California, Berkeley, School of Law
Phone: (415) 335-9698