Subject: Re: [EL] FW: Iowa court election and church advocacy
From: Ellen Aprill
Date: 11/6/2010, 11:22 AM
To: Zachary Kester
CC: Election Law <>

The AP article regarding the Iowa judicial vote that Rick blogged on Friday stated that conservative churches distributed 200,000 voter guides.  Does anyone have access to copies of those guides or know more about them?   The IRS is very strict about what is and is not nonpartisan voting guides - churches can only distribute nonpartisan voting guides.  To summarize some of the most important requirements briefly, the guides must include a broad range of issues and present candidate positions in a clear and unbiased manner.   
In particular, I am wondering if they were voting guides prepared by the Christian Coalition.  The IRS and the Christian Coalition disputed for many, many years in connectin with the organization's application for tax exempt status under section 501(c)(4), reportedly because of extensive political activities.  The IRS, the Coalition, and Department of Justice reached a settlement as to the group's eligibility for c-4 status in 2005.  The Coalition wished to prepare voter guides that could be distributed by churches, and its application for exemption under section 501(c)(4), included 11 criteria for nonpartisan voter guides to be distributed through churches or other section 501(c)(3) organizations. (If anyone wants more detail on these 11 criteria, feel free to contact me directly).   I think the Coalition is probably the source for the Iowa voter guides; the Coalition had a campaign to distribute millions of voter guides before the November election, but I have not been able to confirm this assumption from the Coalition web page or from other internet searches I have tried.


----- Original Message -----
From: Zachary Kester <>
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:37 pm
Subject: Re: [EL] FW: Iowa court election and church advocacy
To: Lloyd Mayer <>
Cc: Election Law <>, Ellen Aprill <>

> Something additional to consider is that if the IRS makes any negative determination regarding the tax exempt status of a charity, including a church, the charity can bring suit in an Article III court to challenge the negative determination and in so doing it may raise constitutional claims. See IRC s 7428. Perhaps a reason why the Service avoids going after churches other than to issue a letter finding a violation but imposing no penalty, which constitutes an unappealable slap on the wrist and chills huge amounts of core political speech such as issue advocacy, is because it does not want to defend the constitutionality of the political prohibition. 

> James Bopp, Jr. and I co-authored an article forthcoming this month on the constitutionality of the political prohibition post-Citizens United entitled Holding the Service's Feet to the Fire: Applying Citizens United and theFirst Amendment to the IRC § 501(c)(3) Political Prohibition, Engage: The Journal of the Federalist Society's Practice Groups, Volume 11, Issue 3 (forthcoming Nov. 2010).

> Zac Kester

> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Lloyd Mayer <> wrote:

> One last related note, which may put to the test how strongly the IRS will pursue apparent violations of the political campaign intervention ban by churches.  With respect to the Iowa retention elections, USA Today reported a few days ago that at least one pastor intended to urge his congregation to vote against retention.  So once the IRS has sorted out its procedures for examining churches, it will be interested to see not only whether the IRS begins audits of churches on this issue but also whether it starts imposing penalties that go beyond  mere warning letters, which have been its primary reaction in such situations in recent years.


> From: Ellen Aprill []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 2:41 PM
> To: Lloyd Mayer; Election Law
> Subject: RE: [EL] FW: Iowa court election and church advocacy


> Lloyd and I can discuss this forever, but I at least promise not to.   In past recent election cycles, the IRS engaged in a Political Activity Campaign Initiative. Here is an excerpt from a recent article of mine describing its results in connection with churches:


> Based on referrals, it examined possible political activity among some 100 exempt organizations in each of the 2004, 2006, and 2008 election cycles.  Results are available for 2004 and 2006.  For both election cycles, the most common violations identified as being those of the 40+ churches among those organizations selected for examination were distribution of printed documents supporting candidates,  statements endorsing candidates during normal services, well-known individuals endorsing a candidate at an official church function, candidates speaking at official functions, and distributions of partisan voter guides.


>     Although the statutory prohibition by its terms is absolute such that even a de minims amount of political campaign intervention could result in loss of exemption, the IRS did not revoke exemption in any of these cases.  Neither did it impose the available excise tax of 10% on political campaign intervention expenditures. It instead issued written advisories because either the act of intervention was shown to be an anomaly or because the organization corrected the intervention and took steps to prevent future intervention.


> I note that this year, however, there has been no announcement of such an initiative, in part, we Exempt Organization lawyers believe, because the IRS is still in the process of finalizing revised regulations that establish its procedures for examining churches.  


>   Ellen


> From: [] On Behalf Of Lloyd Mayer
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 10:57 AM
> To: Election Law
> Subject: [EL] FW: Iowa court election and church advocacy


> The applicable statutory language prohibits an organization that is eligible to receive tax deductible charitable contributions, including a church, from “participat[ing] in, or intervene[ing] in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”  While the statute does not define “public office,” that term has been interpreted by both the IRS and the courts to included elected judicial positions (see Association of the Bar of the City of New York v. Commissioner, 858 F.2d 876 (2d Cir. 1988)).  While I am not aware of any IRS guidance or court rulings with respect to retention elections for judges, I agree with Ellen that the best reading of the existing guidance is that such elections are within the scope of the prohibition.


> As Doug notes, however, an individual pastor is free to support or oppose candidates of any type as long as they do so without using church resources or communication platforms.  The key question with respect to the Iowa election is therefore whether the pastors involved were only acting in their individual capacities or whether instead they were speaking from the pulpit, urging their congregations to vote no on these judges.  I should also note that the IRS has shown a reluctance to enforce the prohibition in the pulpit context, at least based on the apparent lack of enforcement activity with respect to the “Pulpit Freedom Sunday” initiative launched by the Alliance Defense Fund in 2008 (see also my BU Law Review piece on this issue).


> Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer

> Associate Professor

> Notre Dame Law School

> P.O. Box 780

> Notre Dame, IN 46556-0780

> Phone: (574) 631-8057

> Fax: (574) 631-4197

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> SSRN Author Page:




> From: [] On Behalf Of Doug Hess
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 10:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: [EL] Iowa court election and church advocacy



> Since I participate on this list in the digest format, this may have already been raised, but is it possible that the churches that were involved in the Iowa Supreme Court fight violated election laws? NOTE: the process is not a race between candidates but only a confirmation yes/no vote on retaining each judge. (See link below.)  I assume that there are legal ways for pastors to get involved, of course, but is this kind of vote (not for a candidate so to speak, but to retain a judge) subject to prohibitions on electioneering by some nonprofits, including churches (e.g., putting their resources into asking for a yes or no on a specific judge, or using church time to raise money, etc.)?


> Thanks.


> NYT: "In Iowa, Voters Oust Judges Over Marriage Issue"



> -Doug

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Ellen P. Aprill
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Ellen P. Aprill <>
John E. Anderson Professor of Tax Law
Loyola Law School