Subject: Re: [EL] Limits on Subsequent Use of Campaign Disclosure Information?
From: David Mason
Date: 11/8/2010, 12:58 PM
To: "" <>
CC: "" <>

As far as campaign finance disclosure information each state's rules are unique.  My firm collects and sells this data when and as it is legal to do so and simply keeping track of what we can collect and for whom is fairly complex.  Some states place no limitations on the use of the information, others restrict its use in various ways as to but use and who may obtain it.  I have not investigated state rules on petition signatures, but I suspect they are equally various and often differnt from the rules on donor information.

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 3:36 PM, <> wrote:
Does anyone know of any compilation of limitations at the state level on third-party use of information provided in campaign finance disclosure, including donor information and petition signers?
On the federal level, 2 U.S.C. 438(a)(4) and 11 CFR 104.15 prohibit commercial use of donor disclosures. Is there anything similar on the state level?
Doe v. Reed strongly suggests that such limitations may be vulnerable to a challenge of some sort, with the standard being some sort of balancing test.
Thanks in advance.
Barnaby Zall
Of Counsel
Weinberg, Jacobs & Tolani, LLP
11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 1200
Rockville, MD 20852
301-231-6943 (direct dial)

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