Subject: [EL] Write-in votes
From: "Goldfeder, Jerry H." <>
Date: 11/17/2010, 6:50 AM
To: Election Law

It is probably true that there are not two Lisa Murkowski’s in Alaska, but if a write-in campaign was waged for a Joe Miller, for example, how would election personnel determine which Joe Miller should receive the vote? Or Al Green? Or Betty White?  You get the idea.


If you have any experience with, or are aware of any statutes or articles on the subject of how to determine which write-in candidate gets the vote, please contact me off line.  Thanks.


Jerry H. Goldfeder

Special Counsel

Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP

180 Maiden Lane

New York, NY 10038

212-806-5857   (office)

917-680-3132   (cell)

212-806-7857   (fax)


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