Subject: Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses
From: "Smith, Brad" <>
Date: 11/22/2010, 12:50 PM
To: Mathew Manweller <>, Election Law <>


The maps at Governing shows the same info as the NCSL map, but also gives you the pre-election numbers in each chamber:

Bradley A. Smith

Josiah H. Blackmore II/Shirley M. Nault

  Designated Professor of Law

Capital University Law School

303 East Broad Street

Columbus, OH 43215

(614) 236-6317


From: [] On Behalf Of Mathew Manweller
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 11:56 AM
To: Election Law
Subject: Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses


I was wondering if anyone on the list knew of a single location that reports the changes in the partisan make up of each of the 50 statehouses following the 2010 elections. I know the GOP picked up about 650 seats but I am looking for a state-by-state breakdown.


Also, is there a single place that reports the turnout for each state? Off list replies are fine.


Thank you,


Matt Manweller




Central Washington University
Assoc. Professor of Political Science