Subject: Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses
From: Richard Winger
Date: 11/22/2010, 9:09 AM
To: Election Law <>, Mathew Manweller <>

The National Conference of State Legislatures' web page has the new partisan breakdown.  I am not sure if they have the old partisan breakdown, but at worst one can get it from the 2010 Almanac of American Politics, which came out in 2009 and which had the 2009 partisan lineup in each state's legislature.  That book is in every medium sized and large library.

--- On Mon, 11/22/10, Mathew Manweller <> wrote:

From: Mathew Manweller <>
Subject: Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses
To: "Election Law" <>
Date: Monday, November 22, 2010, 8:56 AM

I was wondering if anyone on the list knew of a single location that reports the changes in the partisan make up of each of the 50 statehouses following the 2010 elections. I know the GOP picked up about 650 seats but I am looking for a state-by-state breakdown.
Also, is there a single place that reports the turnout for each state? Off list replies are fine.
Thank you,
Matt Manweller
Central Washington University
Assoc. Professor of Political Science

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