Subject: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/25/10
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 11/24/2010, 9:18 PM
To: Election Law

November 24, 2010

Gregory Coleman's Own Words on the Significance of NAMUDNO

See this BLT post.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 09:10 PM

"Majority on partially divided three-judge First Circuit panel rejects claim that U.S. citizen-residents of Puerto Rico have a right to vote for a Representative to the U.S. House of Representatives from Puerto Rico"

Howard blogs on this First Circuit decision.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 09:07 PM

"Lawyer: Emanuel broke Chicago mayor residency rule"

AP offers this report.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 09:04 PM

"DHS panel on chemical-plant attacks is stacked with industry lobbyists"

WaPo offers this report.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 08:58 PM

"Republicans Need to Support DISCLOSE and START"

Norm Ornstein has written this Roll Call oped. A snippet: "So where are the previous champions of campaign finance reform? Where is Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), whose greatest legislative accomplishment was given a sharp stick in the eye by a 5-4 decision on the Supreme Court? Where are previous supporters of reform -- and professed supporters of disclosure -- such as Republican Sens. Susan Collins (Maine) and Scott Brown (Mass.)? And most important, where is Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), who has always been an independent voice, whose Snowe-Jeffords amendment to the campaign reform law was the provision most assaulted by the Citizens United case, who stood up to immense pressure from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Republican leaders in 2002 to do the right thing?"
Read Norm!

Posted by Rick Hasen at 08:51 PM

Alaska Republican Party Offers Point by Point Repudiation Against Joe Miller's Charges of Problems in Alaska Vote Count

The analysis ends: "Lisa Murkowski has 92,929 unchallenged Write-In Votes. Joe Miller has 90,740 votes. The Miller campaign has no outstanding contested ballots for the courts to rule on. Therefore Lisa Murkowski has won this 2010 US Senate race without adding one challenged counted ballot for Lisa Murkowski. After all the ballots were counted on Nov 17, the Alaska Republican Party, based on this analysis, affirmed Lisa Murkowski as the winner of the Alaska U.S. Senate seat by 2189 votes."

Posted by Rick Hasen at 08:45 PM

"Official: IRS Cannot Act Quickly to Curb Exempt Groups Used for Election Funding"

BNA offers this report.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 08:41 PM

"Jury Convicts DeLay in Money Laundering Trial"

This WSJ story connects the DeLay trial to CU.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 08:38 PM
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax