Subject: [EL] Maptitude Training in Phoenix |
From: Jennifer Steen |
Date: 11/29/2010, 12:29 PM |
To: "''" <> |
Hello all,
This is late notice but it suddenly occurred to me that the redistricters (redistrictors?) among you might be interested in getting your 2011 Maptitude for Redistricting software training here in sunny Arizona (instead of Newton, Mass., where the training is usually conducted). ASU is hosting a Maptitude training session at our downtown PHX campus next week. Details below. The invitation implies an Arizona focus but that is misleading. We have registrants from other southwestern states. Please email me directly with questions, or call me at 480-965-5005.
Jennifer A. Steen
Assistant Professor of Political Science
School of Government, Politics and Global Studies
Arizona State University
Political parties, state legislatures and interest groups are finding Maptitude for Redistricting software is a powerful tool for reshaping congressional boundaries. Learn how to use it so your group can play a meaningful role in creating new political maps for Arizona following the 2010 Census. Users can generate district plans to submit to the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission and other redistricting bodies. The workshop is first in a series of “Redistricting 2011” activities sponsored by Morrison Institute for Public Policy. Fee is $900 per person; scholarships available. For more information, visit