Subject: [EL] The Brennan Center's Citizen's Guide to Redistricting
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 11/30/2010, 2:09 PM
To: "Wood, Erika" <>
CC: "Ernst, Bonnie" <>, Election Law <>

I've been asked to send along the following message.


The Brennan Center is delighted to announce the release of the 2010 edition of our Citizen's Guide to Redistricting.  The Guide provides an  introduction for students of the redistricting process, and a reference tool for practitioners, experts, policymakers, and academics.  It offers a description of the procedural and substantive rules governing redistricting today, for state legislative and congressional districts in all 50 states, and reviews components of proposals for reform in the future.  Replete with tables, illustrations, and maps, the Citizen’s Guide presents an enormous amount of information in accessible form, and provides a robust background for discussion as the next redistricting cycle approaches.  The 2010 edition includes the most up-to-date changes to state laws and recent court decisions. 


The electronic version is available on our website here.   If you would like a bound copy, please contact




Erika L. Wood, Deputy Director

Democracy Program

Brennan Center for Justice

   at NYU School of Law

161 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10013


Office:   (646) 292-8319

Mobile: (917) 613-2844

Fax:        (212) 463-7308

