Subject: [EL] indiana law review symposium issue on the law of democracy
From: "Pitts, Michael Jude" <>
Date: 12/8/2010, 7:21 AM
To: Election Law

I am pleased to announce that the Indiana Law Review has just published a symposium issue on the law of democracy (Volume 44, Issue 1 (2010)) .  The issue is an excellent collection of articles about election administration, voting rights, and campaign finance written by several esteemed members of this list-serve.  The issue also includes a keynote piece by Heather Gerken about the relationship between election law and constitutional law.


My contribution was the introduction, which provides a very brief description of each article.  You can access a copy of the introduction to the issue at this link:


The substantive articles in the volume are (with links to SSRN included):


Heather K. Gerken, Keynote Address: What Election Law Has to Say to Constitutional Law


Edward B. Foley, The Founders’ Bush v. Gore: The 1792 Election Dispute and Its Continuing Relevance


Nathaniel Persily, “Celebrating” the Tenth Anniversary of the 2000 Election Controversy: What the World Can Learn from the Recent History of Election Dysfunction in the United States


Daniel P. Tokaji, Public Rights and Private Rights of Action: The Enforcement of Federal Election Laws


Angelo N. Ancheta, Language Assistance and Local Voting Rights Law


Kareem U. Crayton, Reinventing Voting Rights Preclearance


Michael S. Kang, After Citizens United


Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer, Disclosures About Disclosure


Allison R. Hayward, What Changes Do Recent Supreme Court Decisions Require for Federal Campaign Finance Statutes and Regulations?


All of the other articles that are not on SSRN can be accessed at the Indiana Law Review’s website here:






Michael J. Pitts

Associate Professor

Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis

530 West New York Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202

