We have also put on the back burner some changes you and I have discussed about manuscript central. Now that we have been using the system for a few months, perhaps we can talk about this? This might be a good issue to talk about if you fly out here or I fly out there during the break.
1) We had talked about changing the system so that R&R's come back "clean" without tracked changes. Liebert's response was that this is how it is done in all the journals--I strongly suspect this is a science norm. I know of no social science journal that operates this way. The current system is a relic of Dan and Rick doing R&R's all by themselves.
Alternatively, we could set up the system to accept a "tracked changes" copy and a "clean" copy, and we only send back out the clean copy.
2) We wondered if the system could have a "reject and resubmit" letter draft. Currently there is an option but not draft letter template.
3) My new suggestion after reading reviews on the plane--I wonder if we could have an optional "thank you" letter for reviewers. Most of the higher quality journals that I review for send me a thank you / here's our decision letter--not all journals, but some do. There are two reasons I think we might want to consider this. First, we are trying to expand our reviewer and readership base, and treating our reviewers with courtesy might help do this.
Second and related, because we are positioning the journal as an interdisciplinary law / policy / politics journal, I want to make sure I reach out to the "high tech" political scientists to let them know why we allowed a particular article in the journal the way we did in order to comunicate with a policy audience.
This comes up with respect to the Canon paper and Highton review. I think that I was going to send the revision back to Kropf and not Highton, since Highton's suggestions mainly had to do with the paper being "descriptive not explanatory." I agree with his point, but he basically admits that if we are willing to accept a more descriptive piece, than he'd recommend a minor revision.
Paul Gronke Ph: 503-517-7393
Fax: 734-661-0801
Professor, Reed College
Director, Early Voting Information Center
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Portland, OR 97202
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