Subject: Re: [EL] Joe Miller loses in Alaska Supreme Court |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 12/22/2010, 2:46 PM |
To: "" <> |
CC: "" <>, Election Law <> |
Reply-to: "" |
You can read the opinion here.
Analysis: In a unanimous, unsigned (per curiam) opinion, the
Alaska Supreme Court said that nothing blocked the state of Alaska
from certifying the U.S. Senate race for Lisa Murkowski. Though
the court left open the possibility that Miller could follow up
with an election challenge after certification, the court was very
discouraging of such a challenge, suggesting that Miller would
likely lose such a challenge. At this point, a rational politician
hoping for a future in Alaska politics would throw in the towel
rather than contesting these results in federal court, in state
court after certification, or in the U.S. Senate.
Miller always had a difficult task in his argument: he had to
convince a court that a voter should be disenfranchised (i.e., the
voters vote should not be counted) if it had even a one-letter
spelling error in writing in Lisa Murkowski's name. It turns out
that such an argument is especially difficult in Alaska. As I've noted
in an article written well before this controversy, Alaska has a
particularly strong form of what I've termed the "democracy
canon," a rule of statutory interpretation that says ambiguous
election statutes should be read so as not to disenfranchise
voters. In today's opinion, the Court reiterates that strong
standard today, and ties it in with the equal protection ideas of
protecting the value of the vote that it finds in the U.S. Supreme
Court's Bush v. Gore opinion.
Though the constitutional questions were not squarely before the
Alaska Supreme Court given the odd procedural posture of the case,
the court held that the Alaska procedures for handling write-in
votes with minor misspellings did not violate equal protection
under Bush v. Gore, and indeed suggests that failing
to count ballots with minor misspellings could create a
constitutional problem under Bush v. Gore.
Though the court applied its strong version of the democracy
canon, it rejected Murkowski's argument that this canon should
require counting ballots where voters wrote in Murkowski's name
but did not fill in the oval next to the write-in space as
required by Alaska law. To the Alaska Supreme Court, this
requirement was unequivocal in the statute, and not amenable to
statutory interpretation.
The court did not reach some of the issues Miller raised, such as
the question of illegal felons voting. The court said these issues
would most properly be handled in any post-certification
challenge. But the court said that for Miller to win after
certification, he'd have to show enough ballots at issue to affect
the result, which in the case of felon voting would require
showing felon voting in the "tens of thousands."
What can Miller do now? He can go back to federal court, which has
held up certification, to argue an equal protection or due process
argument. It is hard to see how either argument gains much
traction after this case. He could bring a post-certification
challenge in state court, though that looks like an uphill battle
too. Or he could try to take his case to the Democratically
controlled Congress, which would have no incentive to seat Miller
over a more
cooperative Murkowski.
Breaking News: Alaska Supreme Court Rejects Miller Appeal, Says Certification Can Go Forward
You can read the opinion here. [This post will be updated with analysis shortly.]
Posted by Rick Hasen at 02:13 PM-- Rick Hasen William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law Loyola Law School 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211 (213)736-1466 (213)380-3769 - fax
-- Rick Hasen William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law Loyola Law School 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211 (213)736-1466 (213)380-3769 - fax