Subject: Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting?
From: Larry Levine
Date: 1/5/2011, 6:16 PM
To: Bill Maurer <>, Doug Hess <>, "" <>

New Mexico is the only state that has USA on its auto licenses. Seems tourists are showing up regularly and asking where they can change the US dollars for the local currency.
When my son was in first grade, one of his class mates refered to a state called Oh-H-Ten. That would be Ohio.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Maurer
To: Doug Hess ;
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting?

I once had an Iowan tell me that they were in a tourist shop in New Hampshire and the sales clerk asked where they were from.  When he told them “Iowa,” she responded, “Oh, I hear you have a very nice state, but here in New Hampshire, we pronounce it ‘Ohio.’” 


I don’t know if that says something about Iowa or New Hampshire, actually.


From: [] On Behalf Of Doug Hess
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting?



I didn't read anything remotely meanspirited toward Iowans in the original post by Kieran. (I was born, raised, and went to college in Iowa....if that matters and I don't see why it should.)


However, confusing Iowa with Kansas....that's just East Coast elitism! (Tongue in cheek.)




From: "Jeff Patch" <>
Subject: Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting?
To: "'Roy Schotland'" <>,    "'Kieran
       Williams'" <>, "'Election Law'"
Message-ID: <006901cbad10$35f287c0$a1d79740$@org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

No. That's the Kansas SOS, Kris Kobach.


To respond to Kieran's Iowa-hating, I don't know if Kieran is from Iowa or
not-or if he's familiar with the state's politics. However, it's worth
noting that Mauro, though indeed highly regarded, barely campaigned for
reelection. His challenger and successor, Matt Schultz, was an extremely
aggressive campaigner, despite operating on a shoestring budget and living
out of his parents' basement.


Kieran's post seems to assume Iowans are backward hicks who couldn't fathom
Mauro's brilliance, but there were other factors at play.



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