Subject: [EL] Fwd: The Forum -- Special Issue: Midterm Elections of 2010
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 1/12/2011, 4:09 PM
To: Election Law

Berkeley Electronic Press I thought this would interest some list members.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: The Forum -- Special Issue: Midterm Elections of 2010
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 16:08:23 -0800 (PST)
From: Byron Shafer <>
Reply-To: Byron Shafer <>

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Berkeley Electronic Press

Special Issue

The Forum


Midterm Elections of 2010

This issue of The Forum gathers an array of pieces interpreting the midterm elections of 2010. Three of these address election outcomes in the large: Jason Engle and Byron Shafer on 2010 in the longest run; Andrew Busch on what happened and what it could mean; and James Campbell on the structure of a three-wave election. Five others focus on aspects of 2010 that are widely thought to be distinctive: Erika Fowler and Travis Ridout on the ad campaign, Zachary Courser on the Tea Party, David Canon on the year of the outsider, Michael Franz on campaign spending by candidates, parties, and interest groups, and Michael McDonald on voter turnout. A further three then consider aspects of campaign dynamics as they unfolded: Costas Panagopoulos on public responses and voter movement, Robert Saldin on the place of the healthcare issue, and Jeffrey Stonecash on the art of campaign strategy.

Where Are We in History? 2010 in the Longest Run

Pär Jason Engle and Byron Shafer

The 2010 Midterm Elections: An Overview

Andrew E. Busch

The Midterm Landslide of 2010: A Triple Wave Election

James E. Campbell

Advertising Trends in 2010

Erika Franklin Fowler and Travis N. Ridout

The Tea Party at the Election

Zachary Courser

The Year of the Outsider: Political Amateurs in the U.S. Congress

David T. Canon

The Citizens United Election? Or Same As It Ever Was?

Michael M. Franz

Voter Turnout in the 2010 Midterm Election

Michael P. McDonald

The Dynamics of Voter Preferences in the 2010 Congressional Midterm Elections

Costas Panagopoulos

Healthcare Reform: A Prescription for the 2010 Republican Landslide?

Robert P. Saldin

The 2010 Elections: Party Pursuits, Voter Perceptions, and the Chancy Game of Politics

Jeffrey M. Stonecash

About this journal

A first in political science, The Forum is the sole venue where professional political scientists analyze and comment on contemporary American politics, with peer-reviewed articles that are relevant and accessible to a wide audience. Topics include parties, elections, the news media, Congress, the Presidency, American foreign policy, and American politics in comparative perspective. The journal is edited by Byron Shafer (University of Wisconsin, Madison) and Ray La Raja (University of Massachusetts, Amherst); its editorial board includes many of the top figures in American political science. Articles have been featured on NPR and are discussed frequently on blogs around the Web. With timely and topical pieces that tend to be longer than newspaper columns but shorter than orthodox journal articles, The Forum bridges the gap between academic political science and real-world politics.

The Forum is indexed in America: History and Life (ABC-CLIO), CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, IBSS, OCLC, PAIS International, Scopus, Social Science Citation Index (Thomson/ISI) 2009 impact factor: 0.286, TOC Premier, and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts.

Edited by

Byron Shafer
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Raymond La Raja
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Nicol Rae
Florida International University

Pär Jason Engle
University of Wisconsin, Madison


About bepress Journals


Founded by professors in 1999, Berkeley Electronic Press™ (bepress) exists to serve academia. Our journals feature fast and high-quality peer review, an innovative guest access policy, and prices that libraries can easily afford.

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