Subject: Re: [EL] Alabama ban on political group to group transfers |
From: Beth Kingsley |
Date: 1/13/2011, 7:04 AM |
To: Edward Still <>, Election Law <> |
Do you know if “private foundation” is defined in the statute? It seems an odd addition to that list.
From: [] On Behalf Of Edward Still
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 8:19 AM
To: Election Law
Subject: [EL] Alabama ban on political group to group transfers
Alabama has adopted a ban on PAC to PAC transfers that appears to me to be pretty broad: "It shall be unlawful for any political action committee, 527 organization, or private foundation, including a principal campaign committee, to make a contribution, expenditure, or any other transfer of funds to any other political action committee, 527 organization, or private foundation."
A "principal campaign committee" is the candidate's authorized committee. "527 organization" is not defined by the statute or elsewhere in the code.
Does any other state have a similar restriction? What have been the "hydraulic" effects of the statute? What have been the unintended consequences?
Edward Still
attorney, mediator, arbitrator
2112 11th Ave S., Suite 541
Birmingham AL 35205
fax 205-449-9752