"Team Obama's 2012 cash challenge"
Jeanne Cummings has written this
must-read report for Politico.< p=""> <>
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Recent Elections Demonstrate Need for ALI
Project on Election Law"
That's the lead story in the American Law Institute's ALI Reporter.
It contains this important news:
On the recommendation of ALI Director Lance Liebman and the
Program Committee, the ALI Council at its meeting in New York
City on October 21 gave its approval for work to begin on a
project entitled Principles of Election Law: Resolution of
Election Disputes. Professor Edward B. Foley of the Moritz
College of Law at The Ohio State University will serve as the
project's Reporter. Professor Foley, a graduate of Yale College
and Columbia University School of Law who joined the faculty at
Ohio State in 1991, is the director of Election Law @ Moritz, a
nonpartisan research, education, and outreach program that
serves as a resource for those interested in election-law
issues. One of the nation's preeminent experts on election law,
he teaches and writes extensively in all areas of this field.
The new project will have two components. The first component
will address the principles, rules, and procedures applicable to
recounts and the resolutions of disputes over the counting of
ballots after they have been cast. The second component will
concern the rules for "non-precinct voting"--the casting of
ballots by means other than the traditional polling place on
Election Day. All interested ALI members are invited to join the
Members Consultative Group for this project. They may sign up
online by visiting the "Projects" section of the Institute's
website, www.ali.org, clicking on the appropriate project link,
and following the prompts given.
[Disclosure: I'm a member of ALI and participated in an early
planning meeting for this project.]
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Is 2011 the Year of Voter ID?"
That's the lead story in this week's Electionline
Posted by Rick Hasen at