Subject: Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke up?
From: Jon Roland
Date: 1/15/2011, 11:32 AM
To: "" <>

It is not so much that they want independence as that they want the Union government to be confined to its Constitutional bounds. End federal usurpations and they will be happy to live in one nation.

Of course, if federal usurpations continue, or if the economy collapses to the point that government itself collapses, then we may need to rebuild starting with local communities.

Keep in mind that nukes are manufactured in Texas. :-)

On 01/15/2011 12:52 PM, Richard Winger wrote:
I sometimes wonder if residents of the U.S. wouldn't be happier if the United States ceased to be one nation, and each state became its own independent country.

-- Jon

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