"Obama administration's revolving door"
Don't miss this
piece from Politico: "The pledge [that former Obama
Administration employees will not lobby the Administration]
doesn't bar outgoing Obama aides from lobbying Congress or from
helping employers or clients influence the administration by
charting strategy or even supervising lobbyists."
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Republican Redistricting Efforts Bankrupt for
item appears at the Rothenberg Political Report.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Sixth Circuit Issues Stay in Ohio Provisional
Ballot Case"
Moritz offers the following update
(reprinted in full with permission):
The Sixth Circuit today (1/18) issued an order
granting a stay in the Hamilton County Juvenile Court
provisional ballots case. This follows a flurry of motions over
the last few days, including an amicus brief from the Ohio
Secretary of State. Oral arguments are set for Thursday, January
20. For a complete listing of the documents filed in this case,
see our Major
Pending Cases page for the case.
The Sixth Circuit's stay essentially freezes the status quo
until the appeals court has a chance to review the merits.
Characterizing the case as "difficult," with "complex" and
"contested" facts, and presenting "serious questions on their
merits," the stay order was careful not to tip its hand which
way it might ultimately rule. The 3-judge panel (Moore, Cole,
Rogers) essentially explained the need for the stay as to avoid
the "difficult position in which the [Hamilty County] Board [of
Elections] finds itself": subject to two "conflicting orders"
from the federal district court and the Ohio Supreme Court while
the potential of "its members fac[ing] contempt proceedings if
they do not carry out the district court's order." Merits briefs
from all parties are due 3 p.m. Wednesday, in advance of
Thursday oral argument at 5 p.m.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
UOCAVA Summit 2011
The following announcement arrived via email:
Overseas Vote Foundation will hold its Fifth Annual UOCAVA
Summit 2011, the most significant event of the year dedicated to
overseas and military voting on Thursday, February 10th at The
Pew Charitable Trusts location in Washington DC. A full-day
conference, Summit 2011 will feature the release of OVF's 2010
Post Election Research results and panel discussions on
technology, legislative policy and state experiences with the
Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act. For complete
agenda details, go to
Event registration (space is limited):
Posted by Rick Hasen at