Subject: [EL] Is it illegal for advocacy group to "[p]rovid[e] political buttons to be worn at the polling place on election day"? |
From: "Volokh, Eugene" <> |
Date: 1/27/2011, 3:28 PM |
To: "" <> |
Common Cause Minnesota apparently argued that Burson v.
Freeman authorizes not just bans on display of electioneering
materials at and near polling places on election day, but also restraints on
distributing such material at other times and places, on the theory that
recipients will display (or are even intended to display) such material in the
prohibited places. I just came across a Minnesota Administrative Law Judge opinion
for three months ago rejecting the claim, in Common Cause Minnesota v.
Minnesota Majority (Minn. Ofc. of Admin. Hrgs. Oct. 29, 2010):
The Complainant, Common Cause
Minnesota, asserts that Respondents, together with the Northstar Tea Party
Patriots, support a joint project called “Election Integrity Watch”
that has the stated objective of “improv[ing] the overall integrity of
elections in Minnesota by training thousands of voters on how to spot voter
fraud and what to do about it when they do.” As part of that support, the
Complainant alleges the Respondents are distributing political buttons and are
encouraging individuals to wear these buttons when they go to the polls on
November 2, 2010, “as a visible message to others that you are watching
out for voter fraud.” The buttons state: “Please ID Me” and
include an image of an open, watching eye with the word “integrity”
written underneath. The Complainant contends that by providing the political
buttons to be worn at the polling place on election day, the Respondents have
violated Minn. Stat. § 211B.11. Minn. Stat. § 211B.11, subd. 1 provides, in
relevant part as follows:
Soliciting near polling places. A
person may not display campaign material, post signs, ask, solicit, or in any
manner try to induce or persuade a voter within a polling place or within 100
feet of the building in which a polling place is situated, or anywhere on the
public property on which a polling place is situated, on primary or election
day to vote for or refrain from voting for a candidate or ballot question. A
person may not provide political badges, political buttons, or other political
insignia to be worn at or about the polling place on the day of a primary or
election. A political badge, political button, or other political insignia may
not be worn at or about the polling place on primary or election day.
... Polling place
“campaign-free” zones implicate three central concerns in First
Amendment jurisprudence: regulation of political speech, regulation of speech
in a public forum, and regulation based on the content of speech. A restriction
of any of those forms of speech requires strict scrutiny of the
constitutionality of that restriction. That means that the restriction has to
serve a compelling state interest; has to be narrowly tailored to serve that
interest; and has to be the least restrictive means of achieving that interest.
Courts have found that states have a compelling interest in maintaining the
integrity of the voting place and preventing voter intimidation and election
fraud, and have concluded, for example, that 100 foot campaign-free boundaries
are narrowly tailored to achieve that interest even though they restrict speech
in “quintessential public forums,” such as sidewalks and streets.
Although Section 211B.11 states
that a person may not provide a political badge or political button to be worn
at or about the polling place on election day, the statute is directed at
conduct on election day. A violation of the statute occurs only when and if a
person wears a political badge or button at or near the polling place on
election day. Only then may the person who provided the political button to be
worn at the polling place on election day be found to have violated the
statute. To hold, as Complainant argues, that a person violates the statute by
providing political buttons to others in anticipation that they will be worn on
election day, amounts to a prior restraint on future conduct and expression....
It is also questionable, based on
this record, whether the buttons at issue are “political buttons.”
The statute prohibits persons from trying to induce or persuade voters within
or near a polling place to vote for or against a candidate or ballot question.
Although the terms “political buttons” and “political
badges” are not defined in the statute, “political purposes”
is defined as “an act intended or done to influence, directly or
indirectly, voting at a primary or other election.” The buttons at issue
state only “please ID me” with the image of an open eye. The
message is apparently in support of requiring photo identification at state and
local elections. Because that specific issue is not on any ballots, it is
debatable whether the buttons can be interpreted as persuading voters to vote
for or against a candidate or ballot question. The buttons may be interpreted
simply as advocating specific voting procedures.
The Complaint is dismissed because
it fails to allege a prima facie violation of Minn. Stat. § 211B.11 by