Sixth Circuit Provisional Ballot Decision
Issued, Discusses Meaning of Bush v. Gore's Equal
Protection Holding in Some Detail
Read it here.
There is a separate short opinion concurring in the judgment. I
expect more from Ned Foley on this case later and I will link.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Rahm Emanuel and Procedural Fairness"
Josh Douglas has written this
Moritz comment.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Federal judge certifies state question on
misdemeanor voting"
The Indiana Lawyer reports.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Voter ID laws carry hefty price tag for
cash-strapped states"
blog post appears at "Facing South."
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Anonymity and Democratic Citizenship"
Jim Gardner has posted this
draft on SSRN (forthcoming William and Mary Bill of
Rights Journal). Here is the abstract:
Many aspects of modern democratic life are or can be performed
anonymously -- voting, financial contributions, petition
signing, political speech and debate, communication with and
lobbying of officials, and so forth. But is it desirable for
citizens to perform such tasks anonymously? Anonymity frees
people from social pressures associated with observation and
identifiability, but does this freedom produce behavior that is
democratically beneficial? What, in short, is the effect of
anonymity on the behavior of democratic citizens, and how should
we evaluate it?
In this paper, I attempt a first pass answer to these questions
by turning to both democratic theory and empirical research.
Democratic theory provides a baseline account of the qualities
that citizens of a democracy ideally ought to possess. Here I
focus on three: sincerity in political expression and action;
independence in the formulation and expression of political
beliefs; and public-mindedness in outlook. The question, then,
is whether anonymity helps or hinders citizens in developing
these qualities. To answer it, I turn to the empirical work. To
date, very little research targets the impact of anonymity on
overtly political behavior, so it is necessary to resort to more
general research on the effect of anonymity on behavior in other
realms. What these studies tend repeatedly to show is that the
effect of anonymity on behavior is highly variable and
context-dependent. Anonymity tends to reduce inhibitions, but
the kind of behavior that results from reduced inhibition
depends on a host of contextual factors: the predispositions of
the individual in question, the norms of groups to which the
individual belongs that are made salient by the specific
behavior in question, the nature of the decision to be made, and
the immediate context of decision making.
To the extent these results apply to political behavior, it is
probably impossible to assert as a blanket proposition that
anonymity in political speech, financial contributions, petition
signing, communication with officials, or any other activity
will either enhance or undermine the sincerity, independence,
and public-mindedness with which citizens behave. More likely is
that anonymity will have such an effect for some people in some
circumstances but not for others. The paper concludes with a
brief consideration of some of the common contextual factors in
which contemporary democratic politics occurs, including the
infrequency of hard coercion, the general pluralism of American
political belief, the ubiquity of "soft" forms of coercion
imposed by social networks, and the inevitability of framing and
priming effects.
I always learn from Jim's work.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Talking the Vote: Facilitating Disputed
Election Processes through ADR"
The Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution will hold this
symposium on Feb. 18 with an all-star cast. Looks great!
Posted by Rick Hasen at
Voter ID Passes Texas Senate on Party Line Vote
See this
AP report. And don't miss Picture
Me This.
Posted by Rick Hasen at