Hello, fellow listers.
I'm trying to locate someone--preferably someone who has testified legislatively or litigated in this area--well versed in the potential negative effects of voter ID on low-income and minority voters for an interview for a story I was just asked to complete with a deadline of late today. In addition to everything else I do (for those who care and who have seen my postings on the list before), I've been covering the Texas Legislature for the San Antonio Current as a freelancer for the past several sessions and was just asked to put this together.
I tried giving Gerry Herbert a ring, but got voice mail and am several hours away from deadline and looking for another "expert," assuming I'd find no shortage among the talented folks on this list.
If you are interested in being interviewed on this topic, please shoot me an email offlist (vince.leibowitz-at-gmail.com) and let me know what experience you've had dealing with voter identification legislation/litigation. It would be an "on the record" interview, and you will very likely be quoted, just to be clear.
Vince Leibowitz