"Meg Whitman spent $178.5 million -- $43.25 per
vote -- in gubernatorial bid"
The Oakland Tribune offers this
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Academic round-up: Recent articles describe how
the Court can change direction without expressly overruling
existing precedent."
Amanda Frost has this
post on SCOTUSBlog discussing Barry Friedman's excellent
piece on stealth overruling, and my
draft in progress on other ways that Supreme Court
Justices can move the law. One of the ways I discuss in the
paper is through "inadvertence," and Amanda adds some astute
observations of her own on inadvertence.
Josh Blackman also asks whether
these are new phenomena or tools of common law judges from time
immemorial. In fact, in the paper I make it clear that these are
not new phenomena, and I give examples of pre-Roberts Court uses
of the same tools. Indeed, the term "time bombs" comes from the
recent Brennan biography,
and comes from a complaint that Justices Powell and O'Connor
shared about how Justice Brennan wrote some of his opinions.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Commissioner Statements Deeply Split Over
Interpreting Campaign Finance Laws"
BNA offers this
report. I've written about the same issue recently in Slate.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"The Obliteration of Equality in American
Campaign Finance Law (and Why the Canadian Approach is
Dan Tokaji has posted this
draft on SSRN. Here is the abstract:
This article discusses the U.S. Supreme Court’s rejection of
equality as a democratic value that may sometimes justify limits
on campaign spending. Although the U.S. Supreme Court has long
voiced skepticism of egalitarian rationales for campaign finance
regulation, it has sometimes allowed equality to come in through
the back door, disguised as an anticorruption rationale.
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission obliterates
equality as a rationale for regulation in any form. Its
prohibition on egalitarian justifications applies to both the
inputs and the outputs of the democratic process. In other
words, spending limits may not be used to equalize citizens'
ability to elect candidates to office ("electoral equality") or
to equalize citizens' influence on decisions made by those in
office ("policymaking equality"). The consequence of equality's
banishment is an impoverished political dialogue about campaign
finance regulation in the United States. Those in the public
sphere are unable to talk honestly about the most important
value that regulation might serve.
The article traces the roots of equality's banishment from
campaign finance discourse, explains how Citizens United makes
things worse, and suggests a path toward a more constructive
U.S. jurisprudence. In so doing, it uses Canadian campaign
finance law as a counterpoint, one that highlights flaws in the
American approach. The two countries stand at opposite ends of
the spectrum when it comes to equality. Canada's Parliament and
Supreme Court have embraced an egalitarian vision of democracy
with the same gusto that the U.S. Supreme Court has disowned it.
This difference has major consequences on the public discourse
surrounding campaign finance regulation and the very structure
of democracy.
The article starts with a discussion of Buckley v. Valeo and its
progeny, including cases that subtly depart from that
decision’s anti-egalitarian refrain. It distills from this
line of precedent four democratic values: (1) liberty, (2)
equality, (3) anti-corruption, and (4) competitiveness.
Historically, the battles over campaign finance in the U.S. have
mostly focused on the values of liberty and anti-corruption. But
the really important question is how to promote equality without
diminishing fair competition. After assessing the Court’s
renewed anti-egalitarian turn in Citizens United, the article
contrasts Canadian constitutional law, showing how it does a
better job of affirming the sometimes competing values at stake
in the regulation of campaign finance. It closes by assessing
the prospects for a rebirth of equality as a rationale for
regulation, should the composition of the U.S Supreme Court
Highly recommended!
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Citizens United and the Myth of a Conservative
Corporate America"
Ideological Cartography offers this
post with an interesting accompanying graphic.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Shelby County v. Holder: Oral Argument
David Gans has written this
post for Text & History.
Posted by Rick Hasen at