Subject: Re: [EL] NVRA and EDR
From: Brenda Wright
Date: 2/4/2011, 2:40 PM
To: "" <>, "Lorraine C. Minnite" <>, Estelle Rogers <>
CC: "" <>

Well, it gets more complicated with states that enacted NVRA after August 1, 1994.  Based on the details of Montana’s EDR law, and because the law was not in place as of August 1, 1994, Montana remained subject to the NVRA after enacting its version of Election-Day Registration in 2006.


From: [] On Behalf Of Richard Winger
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 5:18 PM
To: Lorraine C. Minnite; Estelle Rogers
Subject: Re: [EL] NVRA and EDR


I wonder if anyone is in the process of letting Montana State Senators know this information.  The Montana Secretary of State, who wants to keep election-day voting, would be a logical person to be spreading the word.  Today the Montana House voted 67-33 to get rid of election-day voting; I presume that is why this topic was just raised on this list.

--- On Fri, 2/4/11, Estelle Rogers <> wrote:

From: Estelle Rogers <>
Subject: Re: [EL] NVRA and EDR
To: "Lorraine C. Minnite" <>
Date: Friday, February 4, 2011, 1:58 PM


My friend Brenda Wright has reminded me that there is indeed statutory language that indicates the NVRA exemption would be lost if the state's EDR law were no longer in effect.  My error--and sorry.



Estelle H. Rogers, Esq.

Director of Advocacy

Project Vote

202-546-4173, ext. 310 


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On Feb 4, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Lorraine C. Minnite wrote:



If a state that is exempt from the requirements of the National Voter
Registration Act of 1993 were to abolish the same day or election day
registration rules that triggered the exemption, would that state then
be required to conform with the requirements of the NVRA?

Lori Minnite
election-law mailing list


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