Subject: Re: [EL] NVRA and EDR
From: "Barry C. Burden" <>
Date: 2/4/2011, 2:26 PM
To: Estelle Rogers <>, "Lorraine C. Minnite" <>
CC: "" <>

I disagree.  My understanding is that Wisconsin, for example, would become subject to the NVRA if it were to repeal the EDR law.  This is one of the arguments for keeping EDR in place.

The NVRA requires that states establish procedures for voter registration with the driver's license application and at federal offices unless it is:

(1) A State in which, under law that is in effect continuously on and after August 1, 1994, there is no voter registration requirement for any voter in the State with respect to an election for Federal office.
(2) A State in which, under law that is in effect continuously on and after August 1, 1994, or that was enacted on or prior to August 1, 1994, and by its terms is to come into effect upon the enactment of this subchapter, so long as that law remains in effect, all voters in the State may register to vote at the polling place at the time of voting in a general election for Federal office.


On 02/04/11, Estelle Rogers <> wrote:

I don't think so.  There's nothing in the law itself that would trigger such a reconsideration--and, indeed, there are states that have become EDR states since the implementation of the law that are nonetheless covered by the NVRA.

Estelle H. Rogers, Esq.
Director of Advocacy
Project Vote
202-546-4173, ext. 310 

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On Feb 4, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Lorraine C. Minnite wrote:


If a state that is exempt from the requirements of the National Voter
Registration Act of 1993 were to abolish the same day or election day
registration rules that triggered the exemption, would that state then
be required to conform with the requirements of the NVRA?

Lori Minnite
election-law mailing list

Barry C. Burden
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Political Science