Subject: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/5/11
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 2/5/2011, 4:15 PM
To: Election Law

February 05, 2011

"District Liked Its Earmarks, Then Elected Someone Who Didn't"

The NY Times offers this report.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 04:03 PM

February 04, 2011

Complaint in Florida Redistricting Initiative Lawsuit Seeking to Force Section 5 Preclearance Request

Read it here (via Richard Winger).

Posted by Rick Hasen at 08:49 PM

"Report: Voter ID law 'unaffordable' for North Carolina"

Facing South: "Today, Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies released an analysis [pdf] showing that a voter ID bill proposed by North Carolina Republicans could cost the state $20 million or more over the next three years, exacerbating the state's $3.7 billion budget gap."

Posted by Rick Hasen at 08:21 PM

"McGahn Faults FEC on Enforcement Matters; Declares 'Standards Vary From Case to Case'"

BNA offers this report about a 45 page, 221 footnote statement by FEC Commissioner McGahn. BNA: "While the FEC has been criticized by others for being too lenient in its enforcement posture, McGahn indicated the commission's handling of a number of enforcement cases has been overly strict and arbitrary and has sewed confusion and fear in the regulated political community."

Posted by Rick Hasen at 08:15 PM

More Briefing Ordered by Federal Judge in Shelby County VRA Section 5 Constitutionality Case

Here's the order:

Very interesting.
Posted by Rick Hasen at 08:11 PM
Rick Hasen
Visiting Professor
UC Irvine School of Law (Spring 2011)

William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax