Subject: [EL] Haiti Elections: restrictions on US firms and donors working overseas?
From: Doug Hess
Date: 2/6/2011, 7:39 AM
To: election-law

I know that there are restrictions and reporting requirements on US
firms that lobby for foreign nations. In fact, one of my first jobs as
a 20-year old intern for a human rights agency in DC, way back when,
was to go look up who was lobbying for various dictators. And there
are restrictions/bans on taking campaign donations from foreign
nationals (also from non-citizen residents, or not?).

But are there restrictions the other way? Is there a U.S. law against
individuals or corporations donating to foreign campaigns? Do
corruption laws prevent donating to campaigns by firms? Are there
reporting requirements for any of this or for consulting with

In Haiti, see link and brief quote below, one of the two candidates
for president (Martelly) is a singer known for both cross-dressing at
some of his performances and also running around with paramilitary
death squads. Apparently his campaign has no money, but a US campaign
consulting firm is doing some work for him. How much work and who is
paying them, is unclear. The candidate is cagey about it in the
snippet below. (Granted the firm in question below may not be using a
branch registered in the US, so my question is about the general

So...does this US firm have any restrictions on in-kind or paid work
in Haiti under US law? Thanks for any thoughts.


P.S. We also have, just for the sheer bizareness of it all, Bob Barr
working as a spin master for Baby Doc Duvalier. No, really. He said
human rights charges against Duvalier are just, you know, so many
allegations that are easy to make. Since Duvalier is a private citizen
not running for office (yet?), I assume there are no reporting
requirements on Barr, but I just wanted to toss that bit of trivia out
there for fans of former Congressman Barr.


Q) Who is funding your campaign [led by political strategists from
OstosSola, a Spanish consulting firm that worked for John McCain in
his 2008 presidential bid]?

Martelly ) They are here. They are paid by people who believe in us.
But who do not want to give us the money. Friends from out of Haiti,
the States who decided to give us support.

Q) Who exactly?

Martelly )You talk to them.
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