Subject: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/10/11 |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 2/10/2011, 11:17 AM |
To: Election Law |
Reply-to: "" |
The following is Part 2 of a two-part guest blog post by
Heather Gerken. Part 1 is here.
Yesterday I explained why recent developments in campaign
finance suggest that lobbying should play a more central role in
the reform process Today I will argue that it's time to engage
in a bit of intellectual arbitrage, leveraging the lessons
learned from campaign finance reform to shed light on the
problem of lobbying reform.
Bruce Cain, for instance, has already done that in a piece
forthcoming in Race,
Reform, and the Regulation of the Electoral Process
(forthcoming from Cambridge University Press). There he argues
that what he calls the "usual move" in lobbying reform -- giving
the lobbyists who represent monied interests less voice -- is
not as promising a solution as figuring out ways to give other
interests more voice. Cain proposes creating "public
lobbyists along the model of public defenders in criminal
proceedings." Under his proposal, leaders of groups that qualify
based on membership could automatically qualify as lobbyists to
work on bills. To me, it's exactly the same kind of move we're
now seeing in the context of campaign finance with matching
programs -- an effort to level up rather than level down, to
open opportunities for influence to a broader range of
Here's my own effort at intellectual arbitrage. Alex
Tausanovitch and I are writing up a proposal that represents the
rough cognate to the public finance system in campaign finance.
Our paper begins with a simple question -- what, precisely, do
legislators get from lobbyists? Most assume it's money -- that's
where most of the energy in lobbying reform is directed (think
about the worries about lobbyists who bundle). But, as Richard
Briffault has pointed out (nicely connecting the two
fields), that's not really the problem. Illicit steak dinners
and baseball tickets aside, legislators aren't getting the money
of lobbyists. The problem is that legislators are
getting money from special interests. Lobbyists are just the
conduit. And, as I noted yesterday, until the Supreme Court
changes course, monied interests will likely remain influential
interests. We don't know how to solve that problem, but
neither does anyone else in the current regulatory environment.
But there are problems we can solve in the context of
lobbying. Lobbyists do more than channel money. They provide
information. Indeed, some political scientists believe that
information-providing function is what really makes lobbyists so
influential. According to political scientist John R. Wright,
lobbyists provide three types of information: (1) political
information about the prospect of legislation, (2) electoral
information about the implications of supporting or opposing a
bill, and (3) policy information about the consequences of a
bill and possible alternatives.
Here's how it works. Because lobbyists can provide politicians
the expertise and information they need to move a bill forward,
lobbyists can ensure that their policies get more attention and
move more quickly through the process. Imagine, for instance,
you are a member of Congress or a state legislator. There are
umpteen billion things you could do. For some of these projects,
you'd have to start from scratch -- figure out the right thing
to do and then figure out whether it will work, whether it will
pass, whether it will reduce your chances of getting reelected,
etc. And then you'd need to do all the work to get the bill
passed -- assembling legislative history, expert testimony, and
a workable text. could take the prefab materials lobbyists provide to
state and federal legislators -- the McLegislation and the
McTalkingPoints and the McResearch neatly packaged and ready to
go (along with the lobbying equivalent of a Happy Meal toy --
all-too-helpful polling research). What would you do? You'd
choose the option where you have the information you need to
move forward. Richard Hall and Alan Deardoff call this a
"legislative subsidy." And, of course, it's mostly monied
interests that are able to provide this type of legislative
subsidy. The legislative subsidy is especially important at the
state level, where legislators are starved for staff and
We propose a solution -- a lobbying analog to the public
financing proposals we see in campaign finance circles. (For a
different effort to connect the two, see Dale Freeman's 1968
student note in the Harvard Journal on Legislation). We
propose providing a legislative subsidy for issues where
lobbyists aren't there to provide a helping hand, where staffers
and their bosses need political, electoral, and policymaking
information to move forward.
We aren't naive. Legislators will still care deeply about what
moneyed interests want. But that's not all they care about. And
when legislators are feeling reform-minded, we want to make sure
that the fight occurs on as level a playing field as possible.
The simplest version of our proposal might be just to let
Congress or state legislators hire more staffers. But staffers
are fungible, and it's hard to imagine legislators could resist
the impulse to farm some of them out to constituent services and
the like. Moreover, staffers are, by definition, generalists,
and there's no guarantee they'd have the right expertise at the
right time.
Second, we might try to expand the Congressional Research
Service and the House and Senate Legislative Counsel's Offices
(or their state-level counterparts). This would prevent the
diversion-of-resources problem. But the apolitical norms of
these organizations -- norms which we ought to value highly --
mean that their staff members don't provide all the information
that legislators need. In particular, they can't provide the
type of political information legislators need to feel
comfortable moving forward.
The best option, in our view, is to fund research consultants:
people who could provide McLegislation, McTalkingpoints, and
McResearch, plus all of the politically relevant advice
congressional members could want. We already see a ramschackle
version of this occurring today. Staffers find experts in the
field, who submit testimony and often do informal consulting. We
have in mind researchers with semi-permanent status, people who
could provide assistance during the formative stages of the
decisionmaking process as well as during the period the bill
actually gets amended and passed.
If we adopted a market-based solution for this -- allowing
individual legislators to decide what kind of expertise they
want – we would avoid the difficult problem involved in
sorting the "public interest lobbyists" from what many reformers
think are the "bad" lobbyists (those representing well-heeled,
corporate interests). This approach, we believe, would avoid
some of the constitutional difficulties associated with efforts
to level the playing field by giving a leg up to particular
interest groups (see, e.g., here
and here)
To be sure, our proposal would allow some legislators to hire
experts for the villains du jour, like the banking industry. But
why would they? The banking industry is already happy to provide
legislators with the help. Indeed, bank executives ought to
prefer to have their own people supplying information to
legislators. It seems far more likely that legislators will look
for expertise in areas where it's not being supplied.
This idea is still in the kicking-around stage, and we'd welcome
your help in doing so. But our larger point stands. Citizens
United and the decisions that will follow are going to
block many of the traditional paths of campaign finance reform.
Campaign finance reform is going to move in new directions, with
greater focus on leveling up rather than leveling down,
directing money into politically useful channels rather than
taking money out of politics. Particularly as disclosure and
transparency become the constitutionally safe options for
reformers, campaign finance and lobbying -- which have long been
connected in practice, if not in theory -- will begin to look
more and more alike. There has long been a reason to study the
two together. Citizens United simply makes that fact
more obvious.
AP offers this
Vernon Palmer has posted this draft
at BePress. Here is the abstract:
Lisa Gilbert has written this
Roll Call oped.
The LA Times offers this
report, with the subhead: "Gov. Rick Scott is using the
pre-clearance rule, which requires that the Justice Department
OK changes in voting law in some states, to delay enforcement of
a voter initiative that bars partisan gerrymandering."
The Washington Post offers this
That's the suggestion
of some House Democrats. It follows the suggestion
of Republican Senator Hatch that Justice Kagan sit out the
health care case. And I expect some Republican will call for
Justice Ginsburg to recuse on the Virginia attempt
to fast-track review of the health care law because of her out
of court statements on the propriety of that route of
I'm skeptical that in any of these cases these Justices'
impartiality could reasonably be questioned, and it seems more
accurate to say that partisans are looking for an excuse to
knock out of the vote someone likely to vote against their
item appears at "The Diversity Factor" blog.
Looking forward to this
tomorrow. Blogging will be intermittent the next few days.