Cain Responds to Quinn on California
Redistricting Commission
In response to Tony Quinn's comments in this
post, Bruce Cain emails to me for posting the following
Tony is indeed a friend, but he has been seriously misled as to
the facts. First Karin is a registered decline to state whose
biggest issue is more dogparks. Secondly, and most importantly,
he is right that it would be inappropriate for me to draw lines
for the commission but wrong to think that I have any interest
in doing so. I will have nothing to do with the Commission's
technical services nor derive one cent from any contract that
Karin might get. That is a solemn pledge. Thirdly, the
commission is putting its technical services out to bid, not
sole sourcing it. Fourthly, the statewide database has been run
for two decades with no complaint about bias---we provide data
in a nonpartisan way to all members of the public. Lastly, the
Commission makes the line decisions. The job of the line drawers
is to follow the direction of the Commission. Then there are the
various false statements about my drawing lines for the
Democrats in 90's and 2000 by others, not Tony, but they are too
silly to respond to.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Health Care Challenge Could Trigger Recusal
Zachary Roth blogs
at "The Lookout."
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Avoiding an Electoral Lost Decade: What Lessons
Will We Learn in the 2011 Redistricting Cycle?"
Andrew Thomas has posted this
draft on SSRN. Here is the abstract:
With the decennial redistricting cycle starting anew in 2011,
there is an opportunity to learn from the lessons of the past
cycle as legislators draw their own boundaries in most states,
and independent commissions draw them in the others. While the
use of commissions has been trumpeted as a way of improving
electoral systems, there has been little effective difference
between commission-based and legislative-based electoral maps in
terms of the standards of electoral symmetry and responsiveness.
I recommend that no matter which method is used by a state for
drawing their legislative and congressional boundaries, states
should bear these factors in mind as they redraw their maps in
the coming year.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
California Appellate Court Holds that Party
Suing to Protect Party First Amendment Associational Rights Has
Right to Attorneys Fees
See Wilson
v. San Luis Obispo County Democratic Central Committee.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
CA Secretary of State Debra Bowen Will Run in
Special Congressional Election to Replace Rep. Jane Harman
See here.
This likely will be one of the first races under the top two
primary in which the top two vote getters will almost certainly
be from the same political party. (The other prominent candidate
announced so far is LA City Council member Janice Hahn.)
As top two gets underway, Republicans are considering
new party nomination processes.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
I Thought It Was Republicans (along with Good
Government Types) Who Supported the Prop. 11 Redistricting Plan
in California
Now Tony Quinn predicts
Republicans "will be screwed" by the new maps. If I'm
remembering the arcana of the citizen commission, I believe any
plan would have to be approved by a majority of Republicans (and
a majority of Democrats, and a majority of DTS commission
members). Why does that not prevent what Quinn fears?
UPDATE: Tony Quinn saw this original post and sent along this
Glad somebody reads my stuff, and I read yours.
I wanted to show in this article how Republicans could be
screwed using the Phil Burton VRA standard -- combine all
minority neighborhood no matter how distant into districts in
the name of the VRA to increase Democratic registration . I’ve
seen how that works, and of course it elects white Democrats.
Did this happen in 2001 -- you bet. I was the expert witness in
a superior court case against the 2001 bipartisan gerrymander
(the one that resulted in less turnover over the past decade
than the old Supreme Soviet). I was told that all the screwy
districts I challenged were drawn to "enhance the Voting Rights
Act." Of course, they were drawn to favor incumbents, mostly
anglo Democrats, and to get minorities out of Republican
districts. Whenever both parties are happy about a districting
plan, you know the people's well being is at risk.
I also wanted to expose what has been happening to the
Commission, and sadly the Commissioners seem unaware of it. When
the Secretary of State took over staffing the Commission in
January they held a secret process to select the staff. No
transparency, you could not even get the names of staffers they
were considering hiring, let alone their partisan biases. They
hired a Democratic registered executive director, and the first
thing he did was try to convince the commissioners top hire, via
a no bid single source contract, a firm headed by Karin
MacDonald (who already had one no bid contract with them) and my
old friend from redistricting days past, Professor Bruce Cain.
Bruce and Karin have a private business, which is fine, but he
was my counterpart as the Democratic consultant in the 1981
redistricting when I was the GOP consultant. Now they are not
about to hire me as a counter weight to Bruce (not that want to
get back into line drawing, been there done that). They should
not be hiring Bruce and Karin on a sole source contract.
Yes, there is plenty to paranoia in the redistricting business,
but sometimes even the paranoid can make a good case for it.
Feel free to post this if you'd like.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
Federal District Court in City of Irving Case
Rejects Argument that the Constitution's One Person, One Vote
Principle Requires the Use of Citizen Voting Age Population
rather than Total Population to Draw District Lines
You can find the ruling here.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
Are Conservative Justices Undermining the
Legitimacy of the Supreme Court?
That's Katrina vanden Heuvel's claim
in a WaPo online column. All the evidence I've seen is that Bush
v. Gore had no lasting effect on the public's views of the
Court's legitimacy. Whether a Court that strikes down the Obama
health care law and part of the Voting Rights Act would
lose public confidence is an interesting question to consider
and potentially test.
Posted by Rick Hasen at