Subject: Re: [EL] Maryland Motor Voter Failures
From: Doug Hess
Date: 2/24/2011, 1:32 PM
To: election-law

A folllow up: Here's an editorial in the Baltimore Sun on the Motor
Voter problems in MD, asking the state to follow DE's example and go

I like this line of reasoning:

"This [implementing the NVRA] should not be difficult. Most of the
excuses offered by the MVA are unconvincing. Voter registration may
not be the agency's primary function, but it's had this important
obligation for 18 years, more than enough time to learn how to do the
job right.

Nor is it particularly compelling that MVA clerks may be uncomfortable
with asking a person's party affiliation. Somebody has to do it. And
surely, any clerk who doesn't mind asking about height, weight and
whether someone wants to donate his or her body parts upon death can
withstand the discomfort of learning whether that person is a
Democrat, Republican, other party or unaffiliated.",0,7305619.story


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Doug Hess <> wrote:
A very interesting report in the Baltimore Sun about Motor Voter
problems in Maryland, a state which has often had (still has?)
problems with other sections of the NVRA (human services agencies).
Not that the design of the website makes the article appear to be only
a couple of paragraphs long (on my monitor) but if you scroll down it
goes on for several additional pages. Also note that to the left of
the article there are some links to much older articles on NVRA issues
in MD, including stories of officials just tossing registration forms
out (not clear if they were completed forms or incomplete, etc.). This
is from the old NRA NAACP Legal Defense Fund case in MD, it seems.

"Nearly 25 percent of MVA voter registrations fail: One in four
registrants doesn't make it to voter rolls"

February 20, 2011 By Annie Linskey, The Baltimore Sun


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