Subject: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/1/11 |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 3/1/2011, 10:10 AM |
To: Election Law |
The announcement is here.
Jason Mazzone blogs
at Balkinization.
See here.
Interesting statutory interpretation discussion in today's
AT&T case issued
by the Supreme Court. One absence in the discussion written by
the Chief Justice: no mention of legislative history.
Nate Persily sent the following announcement to the election
law listserv via email (reprinted with permission):
The Green Bay Gazette says
it is all about hurting Democrats. Of course, this all comes at
an interesting time, when CU frees both corporations and
labor unions to engage in unlimited independent spending...
Liptak and Orin
Kerr highlight Justice Scalia's strong rhetoric in Michigan
v. Bryant. (I discuss the relationship of stealth
overruling to other ways Justices move the law in this
Anthony Tsontakis has written this
opinion piece for the Arizona Capitol Times.
from Ohio.
My least
favorite way to be quoted.