On 03/05/2011 06:00 PM, Gaddie, Ronald K. wrote:
I'd hope (and expect) that the average sports fan is less
sophisticated than the average voter.
But , it appears, more highly motivated to understand.
In Voting
Theory and Reform we present an array of alternatives. Perhaps
the best alternative, although seemingly a little complicated, is Proxy Voting,
in which instead of single-member districts, when n members are
to be elected, the top n vote-getters would be declared
elected, and each would, in the legislature or in Congress, cast not
one vote, but as many votes as he or she received in the election. That
would mean that any minority group that could join in casting at least
1/n of the total votes cast would get a member elected. But the voting
strength of each member would be proportional to the number who voted
for him. That is a manageable thing to do, except that there could no
longer be voice votes. Every vote in the legislative body would have to
be a roll call vote.
A little complicated, but no worse than what happens at corporate
shareholder meetings every day, and they seem to be able to manage it.
-- Jon
Constitution Society http://constitution.org
2900 W Anderson Ln C-200-322 twitter.com/lex_rex
Austin, TX 78757 512/299-5001 jon.roland@constitution.org