Subject: Re: [EL] Provisional Ballots
From: Kbrace
Date: 3/11/2011, 4:17 PM
To: Ruth Greenwood <>, Larry Levine <>
CC: KBrace <>, Election Law <>

Ruth, Larry, et al --
      The EAC likes to think of their efforts as more of a census of all jurisdictions, certainly not a sample survey of just a some jurisdictions..  Like a census, it uses a survey instrument to collect the information, and like the census they don't get responses from all 10,072 jurisdictions in the nation that run elections, but that's growing.  While I'm one of the first to readily admit, and have in fact advocated, that more can be done, it is the best information that's out there ... with appropriate caveats to it not being totally complete.
      Thanks for noting the appropriate pages to the 2008 study.
      In full disclosure, we were the prime contractors for the 2004 and 2006 EAC survey, and then subcontractors for the 2008 and now the 2010 survey. 
Kim Brace
Election Data Services, Inc.
6171 Emerywood Ct
Manassas, VA 20112-3078
(202) 789-2004 or (703) 580-7267
Fax: 703-580-6258
Cell: 202-607-5857 or

NOTE: WE'VE MOVED: Please update your records.
In a message dated 03/11/11 18:22:26 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
The EAC 2008 Election Administration and Voting Survey has this information (percentage of provisional ballots rejected and why they are rejected) in the tables at the end, pp 49-54 (although it is based on survey returns, so may not be comprehensive).


Ruth Greenwood
Staff Attorney*
Fair Elections Legal Network
1825 K Street NW, Suite 450  ::  Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-248-5362  ::  Cell: 202-560-0590  ::  Fax: 202-331-1663
Web:  ::  Blog:
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*pending admission in New York State

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 6:13 PM, Larry Levine <> wrote:
Has anyone done any work on the percentage of provisional ballots that are ruled invalid and never counted, or know of any studies on the subject? Also, any info on the leading reasons why provisional ballots are rejected.

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