Subject: Re: [EL] Provisional Ballots
From: Kbrace
Date: 3/11/2011, 3:14 PM
To: Larry Levine <>, Election Law <>
CC: KBrace <>

Hey Larry --
The EAC has collected that information in each of their election studies following the November general elections starting in 2004.  The earlier studies (which we did under contract) had problems with getting data from the states and localities, so there's incompleteness throughout the numbers.  2008 got a better response, and we're awaiting the 2010 study (we're subcontractors for the EAC again on this study).  The 2010 data is being collected right now, but the Provisional ballots results probably won't be released until the fall.  The earlier studies are in the research section of the EAC's website, at
Good luck.
Kim Brace
Election Data Services, Inc.
6171 Emerywood Ct
Manassas, VA 20112-3078
(202) 789-2004 or (703) 580-7267
Fax: 703-580-6258
Cell: 202-607-5857 or

NOTE: WE'VE MOVED: Please update your records.
In a message dated 03/11/11 18:14:26 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Has anyone done any work on the percentage of provisional ballots that are ruled invalid and never counted, or know of any studies on the subject? Also, any info on the leading reasons why provisional ballots are rejected.