Subject: Re: [EL] Provisional Ballots
Date: 3/12/2011, 6:01 AM
To: Larry Levine <>, "" <>
CC: Election Law <>

the FROM REGISTRATION TO RECOUNTS book, co-authored by Moritz profs contains a section on this for Ohio, as does my follow-up chapter on provisional voting "Imperfect Insurance";  the Pew study on provisional voting has several essays, at least one of which addresses this as well.  I don't have access to the sources as I'm traveling, but next week Daphne Meimaridis, EL@M Program Administrator, may be able to help you if it's time-sensitive.  -- Ned

----- Original Message -----
From: Larry Levine <>
Date: Friday, March 11, 2011 6:39 pm
Subject: [EL] Provisional Ballots
To: Election Law <>

> Has anyone done any work on the percentage of provisional ballots that are ruled invalid and never counted, or know of any studies on the subject? Also, any info on the leading reasons why provisional ballots are rejected.
> Thanks,
> Larry

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