Subject: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/22/11 |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 3/21/2011, 8:50 AM |
To: Election Law |
Reply-to: "" |
Today the Supreme Court denied
cert. in Cao v. FEC, raising questions about
federal party fundraising for candidates under BCRA I thought a
grant was likely.
Does this mean that Justice Alito and the Chief Justice are a
bit gun-shy about wading back into the McCain-Feingold waters,
or is something else at work? (Given that Justices Kennedy,
Scalia, and Thomas were willing to grant cert. in the similar
RNC v. FEC case, I had thought they'd be willing to do so here
as well, though there were no dissents from denial of cert. in
Read this
for signs of "partisan gridlock" on the Commission.
The WSJ offers this
interesting report. reports.
The National Law Journal offers this
item appears at the "Open Secrets" blog.
Staffan Darnolf has written this
white paper for IFES.
in the current issue of the
Cardozo Law Review.