Subject: Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 |
From: "Lowenstein, Daniel" <> |
Date: 3/24/2011, 11:08 AM |
To: Sean Parnell <>, "" <>, 'Election Law' <> |
Perhaps the close and valued working relation I have had with Rick for two decades entitles me to speak for all in joining Sean in congratulating both Rick and UC Irvine on this move. This also is an appropriate occasion to renew our thanks for the remarkable service Rick has provided to our field of study.
Now, therefore, let us all lift our virtual glasses and drink an appreciative toast to Rick at this happy time of transition!
Daniel Lowenstein
UCLA Center for the Liberal Arts and Free Institutions (CLAFI)
From: [] On Behalf Of Sean Parnell
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 9:02 AM
To:; 'Election Law'
Subject: Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11
Congratulations to Rick on his move!
Also, I’ve heard reported (not saying I believe/agree) that it’s a partisan split in the House ethics committee that’s preventing the Maxine Waters matter from moving forward. I’m wondering if the answer wouldn’t be to just eliminate the 5-5 “balance” on the Committee and allow the majority to have a few more slots, which would prevent this sort of partisan gridlock (or at least the perception thereof)? Seems like I’ve heard something like this proposed before in a separate but related context, proposed in fact by some of the very people who wrote the letter being reported on.
What could possibly be the downside to this common-sense proposal to eliminate gridlock at such an important body as the ethics committee?
Sean Parnell
Center for Competitive Politics
124 S. West Street, #201
Alexandria, VA 22310
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