Subject: Re: [EL] Will Rick be better off at Irvine than at Loyola?
From: Ken Mayer
Date: 3/24/2011, 2:26 PM
To: "" <>, "" <>

Having grown up in Irvine, I’m biased, but Go Anteaters!


From: [] On Behalf Of Jon Roland
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 3:45 PM
Subject: [EL] Will Rick be better off at Irvine than at Loyola?


We can all hope, but the future of California finances could result in shutdown of, or severe layoffs in, all California higher educational institutions, especially of those whose seniority has been reset. Even privately endowed institutions may find their portfolios erased soon. Defensible farmland with shallow water may be a better bet.

-- Jon
Constitution Society     
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