Subject: [EL] Federal court upholds Wisconsin judicial public financing law/more news |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 3/31/2011, 2:25 PM |
To: Election Law |
Reply-to: "" |
You can read the district court's opinion granting summary
judgment at
this link.
It is a thoughtful discussion, and considers the possibility that
the trigger funds might be constitutional in judicial elections
even if the Supreme Court strikes down their use in legislative
elections in McComish.
Also especially interesting is must-read footnote 3, which
considers whether the explosion of campaign financing in Wisconsin
Supreme Court races has been a partial cause of the marked decline
of collegiality on that court. Very bold words for one judge to
put in a judicial opinion calling attention to the problems of
collegiality on another court.
"The Fix" reports.
Mark Brodin has posted this
draft on SSRN.
item appears at Corporate Disclosure Alert.
from Ciara Torres-Spelliscy.