Subject: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/1/11
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/1/2011, 7:55 AM
To: Election Law

April 01, 2011

"Federal judge dismisses free speech challenges to campaign funding"

The Journal Sentinel offers this report. My earlier coverage is here.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:49 AM

"Voting bill targeting alleged illegal immigrant votes faces outcry in Colorado"

The American Independent reports.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:40 AM

"Director's Note: Baby, not bathwater - Don't toss the EAC's Election Day Survey"

That's the lead story in this week's Electionline Weekly.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:37 AM

"The Next America: Minorities are increasing in number faster than just about anyone expected. That could have important implications"

Ron Brownstein reports for the National Journal.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:33 AM

March 31, 2011

"100+ Diebold voting machines, known for how easily they can be hacked, available now on EBay"

For the election geek who has everything (via the Brad Blog).

Posted by Rick Hasen at 05:23 PM

"Campaign finance law 'fixes' an imaginary problem"

Eric Wang has written this oped in the Washington Times.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 05:14 PM

"Former Obama aides likely to start independent fundraising group"

The LA Times offers this report.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 04:57 PM

"Redistricting Doesn't Always Go as Planned"

This item appears at the Rothenberg Political Report.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 04:53 PM

"South Carolina and Iowa GOP chairs call for RNC to look at moving 2012 convention from Florida"

WaPo reports.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 04:43 PM

Yale Law Journal Online Hosts Symposium on Ferejohn and Eskridge's "A Republic of Statutes"

You can find the articles linked here. I have been looking forward to reading this book and now to also reading these responses.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 03:14 PM
Rick Hasen
Visiting Professor
UC Irvine School of Law
401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
Irvine, CA 92697-8000
949.824.3072 - office
949.824.0495 - fax

William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School