Subject: Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency
From: Jon Roland
Date: 4/1/2011, 2:14 PM
To: Paul Lehto
CC: "" <>

No, it is a recognition that most people are not going to learn until they suffer from their bad choices. Most of the Germans were educated but not wise when they voted for Hitler, and we all paid the price for that. Hopefully they won't make a similar mistake for at least another generation. Now it would seem that we need to all go through a nightmare of economic collapse so severe that it may wipe out most of the human race, before people learn they have to limit their consumption financed by debt and not fall for frauds like fiat currencies, and strictly adhere to their written Constitution of government as originally understood.

There are three kinds of people:
The first kind learn from their mistakes.
The second kind don't learn from their mistakes.
The third kind learn from other people's mistakes.
I try to be one of the third kind.

On 04/01/2011 04:01 PM, Paul Lehto wrote:
What's happening here is a refusal to give credit to the genius, as it
were, of advertising and propaganda
-- Jon

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