On 04/01/2011 02:46 PM, Joseph Birkenstock wrote:
it necessarily follow that advertising has no value at all, or none
considering as a potential means of exerting undue influence on the
or officeholder in question?
The key word is "undue", which is only properly used to mean the
application of threats or promises to the individual voter to influence
his vote. In that sense mere propaganda is not "undue". However, false
promises by candidates that the voters can get benefits without having
to pay for them certainly qualifies as a kind of fraud. But the burden
for fraud is that people not fall for it.
-- Jon
Constitution Society http://constitution.org
2900 W Anderson Ln C-200-322 twitter.com/lex_rex
Austin, TX 78757 512/299-5001 jon.roland@constitution.org